Hypoxico - News


Mar 12 2020

IHT against COVID-19 Corona Virus

According to this WHO report: https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200301-sitrep-41-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=6768306d_2 - “Oxygen therapy i...

Oct 8 2019

Nobel Prize for discoveries

  “Finally scientists have discovered what I was talking about since over 20 years ago!" Gary Kotliar, President of Hypoxico Inc, New York    ...

May 5 2019

Training masks do not simulate altitude

“ELEVATION” MASKS VS. HYPOXICO ALTITUDE TRAINING MASK SYSTEM There are many confusing training masks on the market for athletes. Some are advertised as “altitu...

Jun 6 2018

Hypoxico sponsors Leadville trail 100 mile run

For the last several years, the days and weeks after the Leadville 100 mile ride and runs are some of the busiest of the year for us at Hypoxico. Not only are we in communicatio...

May 5 2018

Hypoxico altitude to oxygen chart

This oxygen chart extrapolates the effective amount of oxygen percentages to real altitude. At real altitude, the barometric pressure of the atmosphere is significantly less tha...